Some place to go...
~I want to stretch out my soul, open wide and break free from the box.
Confining, defining, with only a darkened silver lining.
Crack open and bleed sunlight, shed shadows and dust, branching outward into light; breaking off dead dried up pieces so that I can bound high, touch low and share in more of this mess called life~
~A storm is nature's way of kicking up dust, showing us the dark corners we've neglected so we can clean them out and begin anew. And sometimes storms are simply there to throw us off balance, to change the angle from which we view life and force us to see things from a different vantage point... even if that means looking up from our bottoms, mouth gaping wide~
Wild as the ocean, free as a mountain sitting motionless. Soft as a storm blooming in full.
Wild as the ocean. Free as a mountain sitting motionless. Soft as a storm blooming in full.