A soft budding notion that never dies for very long.
A warm, full feeling of passion & home, safe yet exciting.
When the land is ripe & the sky is open, I feed you and you grow from within.
Springing from the ground with joy & heat, you fill my soul with a broadness, a love and passion that takes up all the space in my body.
But when the earth is dried & scorched, burnt from the pain of the sun, shining so bright it muddies the mind, confusion sets in and I forget to feel, I forget how to grow within & love.
When my heart goes quiet & falls into the background with all the other unbegotten desires, in a world full of so much noise it cannot hear itself beat, the sky grows full of gray soaked clouds desperate to burst yet hold themselves back, the earth goes dead.
The very presence of you begins to dry up & disappears; Going into ground.
Perhaps it is good thing, because then I can stop wanting, pining so deeply I ache. I can stop thinking about the constant hunger in my soul for you.
A special union that only exists in the most precious of moments when sky opens up to welcome the sun. Then maybe I'll be that rare, waiting patiently.
After some time, waiting, forgetting this feeling exists, forgetting all about you so deftly, something happens that feeds the seedling buried deep in the ground, waiting for light.
Knocking it from it's underground slumber it moves ever so slightly, sending tiny shivers & waves of vibrations into the center of my body. I feel you again.
Some small reminder falls into my mind, my soul and opens the hull around the seed and lets expansion begin, again.
Some note, a sound evokes movement deep within, reminding me I am soft in the middle. Especially with you nearby. I am even softer.
So I'll sit patiently waiting, growing & pining for the right amount of moisture to occur, raining down upon me, my insides to hasten the growth of this seed, this notion and bring you into form.
Link below for a lovely romantic poem by:
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